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From Sporadic to Strategic: How Consistent Marketing Can Transform Your Business

brand strategy marketing strategy Mar 26, 2023

If you’re a business owner, you know how important it is to have consistent sales. I’m not saying it’s everything, but it is definitely a top ask from my clients when we start our work together.

Here’s the hard truth: Achieving consistent sales requires consistent marketing. If you’ve been running your business for a while, you might have found that your marketing efforts have been sporadic, at best. Perhaps you’ve been so busy fulfilling orders or managing your team that marketing has taken a back seat. Or maybe you’ve tried to keep up with marketing but haven’t seen the results you were hoping for.

The good news is, it’s never too late to turn things around. Even if you’ve been inconsistent with your marketing efforts up until now, you can still create a strategic plan to ensure that your marketing is consistent and effective. In this post, we’ll explore why consistency is crucial to marketing success, and offer some tips for making your marketing efforts more consistent and efficient.

Why Consistency is Key

Marketing is not a one-time event, but an ongoing process. Consistency is crucial because it helps build trust and credibility with your target audience. When you’re consistent with your marketing efforts, your audience will see that you’re serious about your business and committed to delivering value. Consistency also helps you stay top of mind with your audience, which is important in today’s fast-paced and competitive business landscape.

How to Make Your Marketing Efforts More Consistent

  1. Create a Marketing Plan: The first step to consistency is having a plan. A marketing plan will help you stay on track and ensure that your efforts are aligned with your business goals. Focus the plan on your attracting, converting, retaining, and expanding the lifetime value of your ideal customers. (I call this the ACRE Growth System). Make sure you set specific goals and KPIs — and a solid implementation plan that fits within your time and resources!
  2. Automate Where Possible: As you plan out the implementation, plan out your Automation. Automation can help you save time and streamline your marketing efforts. Use tools like Hootsuite or Buffer to schedule social media posts in advance, or set up an email marketing automation sequence to nurture leads and customers. Find tasks that are time-consuming and create an automation plan. In today’s environment, automation and AI should become part of your strategic marketing plan.
  3. Leverage User-Generated Content: As you are planning, consider User-generated content as a way to get more content out there that you don’t need to create. User-generated content (UGC) is a great way to keep your brand top-of-mind, even when you don’t have the time or resources to create your own content. How will you encourage customers to share their experiences with your brand on social media or review sites?
  4. Batch Create: As a business owner, you’re likely familiar with the concept of batch processing – completing a large number of similar tasks at once. You can apply the same principle to marketing. Set aside a block of time each week or month to create all of your marketing content at once. And, if you find yourselves inspired or feeling creative outside of your designated time, take advantage. You’ll be faster and likely produce better content when you are feeling inspired.

Consistency is key to marketing success, no ifs, ands, or buts about it. By creating a marketing plan, automating where possible, leveraging UGC, batch creating, and doing a lot when inspired, you can transform your marketing efforts from sporadic to strategic. Remember, marketing is an ongoing process, so stay committed to your plan and your efforts will pay off in the long run.

Hayley xo

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