Learn & Grow

Legacy Builders Lab

Get ready for a 9-month strategic journey filled with personalized support and expert insights. Give your brand strategy an upgrade. Create a plan to reach your growth and impact goals. And, create the systems and processes you need to implement with excellence. If it's go-time, this one is for you!

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Online Courses

Buyer Persona Online Course

Hit the mark more often with a solid understanding of your ideal customers or clients. In this course, you'll learn to build a comprehensive buyer persona to guide your marketing efforts. 

$297 CAD
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How to Build an Authentic Small- Business Brand that Inspires

In Hayley's debut book, she takes you through the entire Brand-Worth-Loving Method that she uses with clients to build their brands from the inside out! 

Now available at select book stores in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia or buy it from Amazon now. 

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