Are you tired of feeling like your marketing efforts are going nowhere? Do you find yourself posting on social media every day, but not seeing any results? You might be engaging in what I like to...
Are your business growth and expansion goals always stuck in first gear? Do you find yourself struggling to get steady, loyal, and appreciative clients? Are you tired of feeling like you’re...
As a small business owner, it’s not uncommon to experience the feast or famine cycle. Some months are great and others, not so much. You might even be covering your bills, but you’re...
If you’re thinking about expanding your small business, there’s one thing you absolutely need to get right: your brand strategy. And not just any brand strategy – you need a...
If you’re a business owner, you know how important it is to have consistent sales. I’m not saying it’s everything, but it is definitely a top ask from my clients when we start our...
You’ve poured your blood, sweat, and tears into your business. You’ve sacrificed countless hours and made difficult decisions, all in the name of success. And now, you’re ready to...
Owning a local business can be tough, and marketing can be one of the most challenging aspects. If you’re feeling stuck in the in-between stage of needing marketing help but not yet ready to...
Most small business owners who are investing time into marketing are doing so with one end goal: to increase sales.
It’s really frustrating to put in the effort and not get results....
In this live replay, I’m sharing four ways to help boost your profitability without nickel and dimming.
This episode is about profitability… you know- that pesky thing that...
Reels, reels, reels.
It seems that all anyone is talking about in 2021 is how to use short-form video on Instagram and other social media platforms to reach a wider audience and bump up business....
Do I ever love Millennials and what they stand for!
Right now, they are between 18 and 37, and represent an important demographic for many industries and small businesses. I personally hover the...
As entrepreneurs we are brave, courageous go-getters. We go for it. We are creators and visionaries.
Progress is the name of the game.
But in our haste to gain momentum, we unknowingly...